Among those states that already have regulations for the medical use of cannabis, there is a growing trend of decreasing incidence of prescription opioid overdose deaths. Recent evidence suggest that medical marijuana, when taken together with prescription opioid analgesics, can significantly control severe chronic pain at significantly lower doses of prescription opiates because of the synergistic effect of cannabis on opioids. This results in fewer incidence of prescription opioid analgesic overdose. Unfortunately, for the remaining 27 states in the country, such benefits are not yet seen. That is why West Virginia marijuana addiction treatment centers and the other 26 states continue to see increasing numbers of marijuana addictions.
Nevertheless, with or without medical marijuana legislations, the state’s many marijuana addiction treatment centers still have to provide the same kind of quality service that they are known for.
Generally, marijuana addiction treatment centers are similar in fundamentals to other types of addiction treatment centers although the focus of care is on the management of marijuana addictions. This type of addiction is rather light when compared to heroin and crystal methamphetamine addictions. Nonetheless, the treatment will start with a comprehensive detox program often as a sub-acute treatment process in a residential inpatient type of program. While there are also hospital based treatment programs these are primarily intended for more serious addictions that are often compounded by organic and medical health problems. In such cases, the detox treatment is managed by a medical professional in order to stabilize the patient’s medical condition prior to marijuana addiction treatment initiation.
For milder forms of marijuana addiction but compounded by behavioral problems, a residential inpatient program is often ideal as individual counseling can already form an integral part of the detox process. So while the individual is undergoing detoxification, he is also undergoing therapy intended to restructure his thoughts and elicit a gradual change in his behavior towards his addictions. Like all other addiction treatment, marijuana addiction treatment programs will require a series of therapies designed to help the individual recognize triggers in his life that is making him engage in risky behaviors such as taking and abusing marijuana. This provides the essential framework upon which other therapies can be based on. Unfortunately, like all other addiction treatments, the whole process of rehabilitation can take a significantly long period of time.
To help the individual in his marijuana addiction recovery, many marijuana addiction treatment centers provide family therapies in order to enlist the aid and support of the individual’s family network. This is especially important when the individual has already completed his treatment program and is ready to take on the role of socially responsible member of his family and community. Family support is crucial to help the individual remain free from addiction for the rest of his life.
Marijuana addiction treatment centers may not have the backing of a legal framework but they do provide excellent service on their own.
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