July 17, 2017 – Friendship is a deep emotional stake that cannot be ignored, especially while growing up; it forms, reshapes and helps define the world we live in, this is the story of Mark Schneider and Jimmy Miley, a childhood friendship that is really the story within the bigger story. A story of how the tragedy in both Men’s lives can be overcome when chance brings them back together to create a film of the heart-wrenching passion of Brotherhood devotion & deep love never witnessed by 2 Brothers. The story of Jimmy & Buddy Miley.
The friend duo Mark Schneider and Jimmy Miley grew up in a small suburban town of Warminster located outside of Philadelphia PA, in the mid-sixties through 1977. They grew together as kids, paperboys, and teammates in Junior Football to Junior high school sharing a lot of memories together. But on one fateful day, their friendship took a new toll. Jimmy’s older Brother, Buddy, was severely injured in a tragic high school football game, when Buddy became paralyzed; His big brother superstar quarterback would become a quadriplegic.
Notwithstanding, the friendship of Schneider & Miley continued as Mark would visit Brother’s Buddy and Jimmy many times a week at their home while they both continued on with their lives, which continued over the years. However the family of Schneider tasted of the pie, they experienced an issue of grief as Mark’s little brother Glenn, lost his life to leukemia. The Schneider’s family moved to Florida in 1977 to start afresh- a new family life.
Jimmy & Mark lost contact from that time on as there were no means of inexpensive communication, no cheap calls, social media, and other platforms were not in existence. The friendship was seemingly over, both men moved on with their respective lives. Schneider knew a little of how Buddy was doing from old neighborhood friends of his Mom’s, but that was it.
Over the years Schneider took a learned direction and became a very successful entrepreneur, and inventor, selling his products worldwide for millions of dollar. Sadly, by this time in 2005, Schneider was coming out of another family tragedy when his own mentor, his Dad committed suicide, prompting him to take a hiatus and move his family to Costa Rica for complete recuperation and healing at their family vacation home there.
Like a story waiting to be shared across the world, Mark stumbled upon a book written about the Miley’s, got hold of the book and remembered the bond shared together with them, a great story indeed that tells of sacrifice, love, and compassion. After the book, he knew there was much more to the story of Jimmy and Buddy. Years later, Mark read that Buddy asked Jimmy a final wish to assist him to Detroit to meet Dr. Jack Kervorkian. The rest is a documented history.
Mark then reached out to Jimmy after nearly 40 years later, they reconnected with the help of modern communication platforms, Mark told Jimmy he felt the story was off a bit from what he remembered; they hit it off like old times. Jimmy and Mark spoke many times over a period of a few months like no time had ever passed between them; Mark so intrigued about what Jimmy had been through in his own personal prison of tragedy invited Jimmy down to Costa Rica, he wanted to explore doing a screenplay on the true story of the Miley Brothers. Did they have a time together? Lots of laughter, love, tears and great times like they never lost touch.
This brings us to today…..Schneider is co-writing and funding the screenplay, handled by a professional screenwriter; according to Schneider, “This will be a deeply emotional story of love, devotion, sacrifice and brotherhood that at last finds it happy ending to show the world how much there could be between us all.”
For more information about this story and this screenplay about to launch contact sean@inqueueassociates.com or put a call through to 610-827-1004
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Company Name: In Queue Associates LLC
Contact Person: Sean F Treacy
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Country: United States
Website: https://bugoutspoon.com/