Jack Travis is an inspiring Millennial Entrepreneurand a Mental Health Advocate from Boston, Massachusetts in the United States. After struggling with life-long mental illnesses that were caused by abuse and other traumatic experiences, Jack has overcome it all and is now aiming to be a motivational speaker to help others around him. He is now seeking community support on the crowdfunding platform of Kickstarter for his new book titled, ‘The Ultimate Solution To Most Of Your Problems: A Guide To Overcoming Mental Illness and Finding True Happiness In Life No Matter What You’ve Been Through’,
Jack has a focused aim to share his experiences with others and help them live a better, happier and more peaceful life. He has developed a lot of amazing ideas, techniques and strategies for those who are struggling with mental illnesses. He is now seeking support and he is welcoming everyone to back this inspiring initiative on Kickstarter, so that everyone can benefit from his work.
The Kickstarter Campaign is located on the web at:
www.kickstarter.com/projects/207465627/my-new-book-the-ultimate-solution-to-most-of-your and supporters can make their contributions by helping Jack with the pledges that can range from $5 to $250. Moreover, Jack will reward these pledges by mentioning the names of his supporters in this upcoming book and also by offering signed copies of his book.
Checkout a brief summary of the book.
About Jack Travis:
Jack Travis is an inspiring American millennial entrepreneur and a mental health advocate who has experienced severe mental health issues throughout his life. He has developed techniques to fight these issues based on his own experiences and he now wants everyone to benefit from his work by supporting on the crowdfunding platform of Kickstarter for his book.
Media Contact
Company Name: J. Wonderful Publishing
Contact Person: Jack Travis
Email: Send Email
Phone: 781-640-4345
Address:101 MacArthur Road
City: Stoneham
State: Massachusetts
Country: United States
Website: https://twitter.com/JackTsJourney