Most of the customers look out for the products online in the present times as they think it to be the easiest way for shopping. The marketers have taken to digital promotion in order to increase awareness about their products and services in the market. For this, the marketers are using the PDF to HTML5 Flipbook to describe their products and services.
This is one of the interactive and amazing ways to reach out to the potential users. They do not get bored with the long descriptions. This helps the companies to turn the visitors into real time consumers too. Anna Lee, designer of FlipHTML5 states that the HTML5 flipbook is easier to design and share on the social networking sites in order to reach to the users worldwide.
Key Features of the HTML5 Flipbook
The PDF to HTML5 Flipbook by FlipHTML5 is the low-cost marketing solution for the marketers in order to reach to their customers. They have versatile features right from building brand awareness, sharing on social media to online publishing. This digital promotion technique helps the marketers to engage their potential customers in reading about the products and services. Here are some of its incredible features:
- Provision of Cloud Publishing Services: The FlipHTML5 provides cloud-publishing services online for the marketers who do not own their own websites. They can convert the PDF files into HTML5 flipbook and share online through their blogs or web pages. With the issue of the e-publications, one can see the producer’s flipbook.
- Customization of the Flipbook: There are thousands of professional templates available online for designing a unique flipbook. Even owners can add their brand’s logo to create awareness amongst users about their products. In the customized flipbooks, one can add background images, music, social media links, navigation, etc.
- Supporting Mobile Readability: The HTML5 flipbook supports mobile reading on iPad, tablets, Android, iPhone, etc. The readers can enjoy the digital technology, as the bases are CSS3, JQuery, and HTML5.
Therefore, the FlipHTML5 has revolutionized the way online marketing is carried by the marketers or the start-ups. They have the low-cost marketing solution that is the HTML5 Flipbook.
About FlipHTML5
FlipHTML5 provides the digital platform to the newbie marketers to promote their products and services in a great way through the HTML5 Flipbook. For more details, visit at
Media Contact
Company Name: FlipHTML5 Software Co., Ltd.
Contact Person: Lailie Tan
Email: Send Email
Phone: 86 020-61972665
Address:G/F, Far East Consortium Building, 23 Des Voeux Road, Central
Country: HongKong