Silver Torch Publishing‘s recent release, “The Smart Parents Guide – How To Help Your Child See A Better Life!,” hit Amazon’s best seller list on April 26th, climbing all the way to #1 in the Optometry category.
Silver Torch Publishing has pledged a portion of the royalties from the retail sales of the book to be donated to The Foundation for Blind Children.
In response to book reaching #1, Lead Author Dr. Mark Page, said, “Hitting the Best Seller list is something we are excited to have achieved. This is an important project for us because we have been able to create a powerful resource for Parents.”
Describing the unique concept behind the book, Dr. Page explained, “This wasn’t a topic we could tackle on our own, so we reached out to some of the top Orthokeratologists across the USA and asked them to give their insight into understanding eye diseases and risk factors that can affect your vision.”
Dr. Page expressed appreciation for the book’s contributors, saying, “We are extremely fortunate to have the caliber of Orthokeratologists who gave their time to be interviewed for this project. Each and every one of them is a true advocate and educator. To have Amazon put this book at the top of their Best Seller list in the Optometry category is an incredible achievement and puts a spotlight on the appreciation and recognition they deserve.”
Dr. David Bartels and Dr. Michael Murphy added “The progressive worsening of myopia and/or astigmatic refractive errors is a serious concern for both the child and their parents. The treatment procedure known as orthokeratology and Gentle Molding has been shown to slow the rate of progression in children.
With the recent news around the growing myopia epidemic in the media, The Smart Parents Guide subject matter is a hot topic and a must read for Parents.
Featuring Contributions from:
Dr. Mark Page, Optometrist Phoenix, AZ
Dr. Stuart Grant, Optometrist, Rancho Mirage, CA
Dr. David Roth, Optometrist Miami, FL
Dr. Kevin Reeder, Optometrist, San Diego, CA
Dr. Dale Tosland, Optometrist Olympia, WA
Dr. David Bartels, Optometrist, Buffalo, NY
Dr. Earl Sandler, Optometrist, San Diego, CA
Dr. Michael Murphy, Optometrist, Buffalo, NY
“The Smart Parents Guide – How To Help Your Child See A Better Life!” is now available in the Kindle Store.
Paperback is coming soon.
Find out more at https://www.thesmartparentsguide.com.
To learn more about The Foundation for Blind Children, visit https://www.seeitourway.org/.
To schedule an evaluation with Dr. Dale David Bartels or Dr. Michael Murphy visit
or http://www.clarenceeyecare.com/
Contact Info:
Name: Dr. David Bartels
Organization: Vision Care Center
Address: 2126 Niagara Falls Blvd # 1, Tonawanda, NY 14150
Phone: (716) 693-4606
Contact Info:
Name: Dr. David Bartels
Organization: Clarence Eye Care
Address: 8560 Main St, Williamsville, NY 14221
Phone: (716) 668-2020
Media Contact
Company Name: Arizona’s Vision
Contact Person: Dr. Mark Page
Email: drpage@arizonasvision.com
Phone: 480-725-7234
Country: United States
Website: http://www.arizonasvision.com/