Talent is the core driving force of corporation growth. Nimble Real Estate set up a complete talent development system and implemented a training programme called “Nimble Talented Stars” to build itself a strong competitive property corporation. Recently, 42 “Nimble Talented Stars” of Real Estate, 2017, joined the Nimble big family with dreams for the future. They gathered again three months after working in respective role and shared their transformation experience from studying at school to working at company.
这次的活动由座谈会分享与课堂培训两部分组成。在课堂培训上,讲师分别围绕《新人职场生存法则》及《我的五年职业规划》两大主题展开培训分享。 从校园踏入职场难免有点“水土不服”,有“资深职场人”建议“职场小鲜肉”,发现自身的优势与劣势,制定未来职业目标,为自己设定目标岗位,并落实到每一天的计划行动中,脚踏实地,一步步成长为理想中的自己。往届优秀的四位“敏才星”也分享了各自在敏捷大家庭的成长历程,并从心态调整及工作方法上为这帮“新力军”提供切实的指导和建议,让“敏才星”们对未来的职业规划有了更清晰的目标、更明确的努力方向。
This activity contains two parts, experience sharing and class training. In class training, the lecturer shares experience base on “New Comer Survival Rules” and “My Five-Year Career Plan”, which help people from “Nimble Talented Stars” to identify self pros and cons, and prepare the career objective so as to set self career roles and fulfill every step in the plan, thus steadily reach the goal.
19年来,敏捷地产凭借“敏于思,捷于行”的行动力、秉承着“筑梦想家园,让生活更美好”的核心价值观,逐渐发展成为全国知名的综合性房地产开发企业。企业的高速发展离不开人才的支持,敏捷地产始终坚持“德才兼备”的人才理念,从2008年起正式启动 “敏才星”计划,历经人力资源部近3年多的探索修正调整,2012年“敏才星”培养计划出具锥形,将培训课程由最初匆忙的3天粗放式集训培养发展到以5天集训为主,再结合定期组织培训及拓展活动的全程跟踪式系统培养。
Since 19 years ago, Nimble Real Estate has been developing gradually into a nationwide, renowned, and comprehensive property development company, base on the core value of “Build a Dream Home, Make a Better Life” and the motivation of “Quick Thinking, Rapid Action”. As the fast growth of a company has to be supported by talent people, Nimble has been persisting on the concept of “people should be both with ability and moral integrity”. Since 2008, Nimble formally launched a “Nimble Talented Stars” scheme, which has been exploring and adjusting by the HR department for three years. Till 2012, the training programme of “Nimble Talented Stars” became practical. The programme was developed from the initial plan of a three-day extensive training to a five-day training camp, and was combined with complete tracking system by organizing regular group training and extension activities.
Nimble has established a complete talent development system to boost the company’s growth by employing talent people. To date, there has been nine years since the commencement of “Nimble Talented Stars” scheme and lots of people from “Nimble Talented Stars” are growing up to be the staff for every department in Nimble. The president, Tan Bingzhao noted that “Nimble Talented Stars” scheme will be optimized according to the change of pace of the company. This scheme will deliver more new strength in the progress of building a dream home and assist Nimble to grow even larger with the development of the country.
Media Contact
Company Name: Nimble Group
Contact Person: Tan Bingzhao
Email: mjjt@nimble.cn
Phone: 020-66607888
Country: China
Website: www.nimble.cn