(Above: Saskia Larsen on the gurney, discusses a scene during filming 10 Days in a Madhouse with Christopher Lambert, David Garver and Summer Cropper.)
NBC’s The Voice winner Sawyer Fredricks’ aunt Saskia has a movie, 10 Days in a Madhouse, coming to Sawyer’s home turf now playing in select US theaters, is starting this Friday at the Emerald Cinemas in Amsterdam NY and Johstown NY at the Johstown Movieplex. Sawyer’s “Tanta” Saskia Larsen is co-producer of the movie and has a pivotal role in the picture as well. Saskia appeared on The Voice as Sawyer’s family support behind the curtains. She was instrumental in helping Sawyer achieve his dream and he has publicly supported her movie, which Hollywood insiders are saying is Oscar material for the 2017 awards.
(Star Caroline Barry as Nellie practices insanity for her journey into the the “Madhouse”. Barry’s performance is being universally lauded by critics and audiences.)
The movie, 10 Days in a Madhouse, starring lauded actress Caroline Barry as Nellie Bly, Chrstopher Lambert (Greystoke: Legend of Tarzan, Highlander, Mortal Kombat and Coen Brother’s Hail Caesar!), Kelly Le Brock, former supermodel, actress in Woman in Red, Weird Science and global woman’s rights activist) and Julia Chantrey (Mean Girls, Guillermo del Toro’s Mama) is being positioned as the first Oscar contender for the 2017 Academy Awards. The Library of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has invited the 10 Days In a Madhouse movie makers to to provide a copy of the shooting script of 10 DAYS IN A MADHOUSE for the permanent Core Collection.
With reviews like, “Must See” – Ms. Magazines, “Awesome, Incredible” – Popcorn Talk Network, “Demands To Be Watched!” – Bust Magazine, a passionate labor of love, 10 Days in a Madhouse, has been continuing to gain ground in US theaters, drawing on one of Nellie Bly’s most famous quotes, “Energy rightly applied and directed will accomplish anything.”
Long before Joseph Pulitzer was known for the Pulitzer Prize, in 1887, he took a risk on hiring a young reporter who went by the pen name Nellie Bly, real name Elizabeth Cochran, and changed the course of history forever. She was the first woman serious front page news journalist and her first big New York assignment is as fascinating as it is emotionally wrenching and fulfilling told in this new critically acclaimed historical biopic, 10 Days in a Madhouse by movie director Timothy Hines.
In 1887, at 23, reporter Nellie Bly, working for Joseph Pulitzer, went undercover in Blackwell’s Island Women’s Insane Asylum to expose corruption, abuse and murder. She brought down the system and opened doors to all women working in journalism to this day.
(Caroline Barry as Nellie Bly meets Joseph Pulitzer played by Sam Davidow. Bob Olin, seated plays World Newspaper editor, John Cockerill.)
Audiences have been moved to tears and critics have raved over the intense emotion of the movie based on Nellie Bly’s first story working undercover for Jospeh Pulitzer, 10 Days in a madhouse. Especially heaping praise on the exquisite performance of newcomer Caroline Barry who all but channels Nellie Bly.
(Caroline Barry as Nellie Bly in 10 Days in a Madhouse.)
The motion picture has been well received from the beginning with its first ever public screening on Nellie Blys birthday, May 5th, at Geena Davis inaugural Bentonville Film Festival celebrating women and diversity co-sponsored by WalMart in the founder of Walmart in his hometown, Bentonville, Arkansas.
All the Major Studios and giant corporations like Coca-Cola and Kraft Foods backed the festival in the tiny town where the first 5 and 10 cent store that launched the Walmart chain still stands in a still operating, yet pristinely preserved museum state. A slew of movie stars descended on the town to support the cause of seeing better and greater roles for women and minorities in film including Robert De Niro, Rosie ODonnell, Judge Reinhold, Bruce Dern and more.
Caroline Barry’s performance as Nellie Bly (splitscreened above) is being called, “uncanny”.
On the same day 10 Days in a Madhouse played in Bentonville, coinciding with Blys birthday, Google devoted a doodle to Bly with their first ever commissioned song by Karen O about Bly. 3.5 billion internet searchers were introduced to Nellie Bly that day.
At the 68th Cannes Film Festival, 10 Days in a Madhouse played to a long ovation and emotionally moved international audience. Danish director Janne Kindberg said, 10 Days in a Madhouse was the best film at Cannes, including the jury prize winner, and, It is the greatest feminist movie in the world.
Ms. Magazines Christina Maria Paschyn praised the movie, “Written and directed by Timothy Hines, I can honestly say this movie is a must-see. Nellie Blys heroism and courage truly come to life on the screen, thanks to the work of talented up-and-coming actor Caroline Barry. Barry is instantly magnetic as Bly, and its hard not to root for and fall in love with hercharacter as the story progresses.”
(Ms. Magazine: “this movie is a must-see. Nellie Blys heroism and courage truly come to life on the screen, thanks to the work of talented up-and-coming actor Caroline Barry. Barry is instantly magnetic as Bly, and its hard not to root for and fall in love with her character as the story progresses.”)
The Ms. Review went on to say, “Hines also does a great job showing just how grotesque and abusive the conditions really were at Blackwells Island Insane Asylum. In the film, Bly encounters creepy and uncaring doctors, sadistic nurses and several incarcerated women who are clearly not insane and should never have been sent to the asylum in the first place. Several are locked up for reasons that would make feminists rage, such as catching their husband having an affair, just being poor, or not being able to speak English well enough to plead their case.”
The review summed up with, “all of the asylum patients are well played, most particularly by actors Julia Chantrey, Natalia Davidenko and Jessa Campbell. Christopher Lambert is strong as the superintendent, and Films like 10 Days in a Madhousethat feature incredible and aspirational female role models deserve to be made, but are largely ignored by sexist movie execs.”
Bust Magazine critic Hanna Lustig says of 10 Days in a Madhouse, “Director Timothy Hines modern biopic of the same name stars Caroline Barry as Bly, and captures the journalists time on the island in a visceral new way.”
She went on to say, “Not for the faint of heart, and 10 Days in a Madhouse demands to be watched.”
(Caroline Barry as Nellie Bly, Alexandra Callas as Nurse Grupe, Christopher Lambert as Dr. E.C. Dent in 10 Days in a Madhouse.)
Caroline Barry stars opposite Christopher Lambert who gives us an aloof and troubled doctor E.C. Dent, the superintendent of Blackwell’s. Ms. Barry as Bly takes on the sadistic and tragic Nurse Grupe deftly performed by Russian born actress, Alexandra Callas.
(Caroline Barry as Nellie Bly L., Natalia Davidenko as Mrs, Schanz and Jessa Campbell as Tille Mayard are facing commitment for life in Blackwell’s Island Women’s Insane Aslylum in 10 Days in a Madhouse.)
With a support cast of over 90 percent women, 10 Days in a Madhouse is strong with deeply moving portrayals turned in by Jessa Campbell as Tillie Mayard, Natalia Davidenko as Mrs. Louise Schanz, Talya Mar as Bridget McGuinness, Julia Chantrey as Anne Neville, Darlene Sellers as Matilda, Andi Morrow as Leona Fox, Christopher Beeson as doctor Ingram, David Garver as doctor Kinier, sociopathic ward doctor played by David Mitchum Brown, Summer Cropper as Miss McCarten, Darrell Salk (son of the creator of the polio vaccine, Jonas Salk), Bob Olin as Pulitzer’s editor who sends Nellie on her journey, Keith White who provides viewers with a stoic and confident Peter A. Hendricks Esq., Pulitzer’s attorney who walks a razor’s edge to get Nellie Bly out of the human ratrap passing for a Women’s Asylum and actor Sam Davidow as Pulitzer (who coincidentally is a relative of Pulitzer himself) and many more.
See 10 Days in a Madhouse this weekend. Starts this Friday at the Emerald Cinemas in Amsterdam NY and Johnstown NY at the Johnstown Movieplex.
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Contact Person: Susan Goforth
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Website: www.10daysinamadhouse.com