LOS ANGELES, CA – March 10, 2016 – Ann Archer, Academy Award Nominated actress and Founder of Artists for Human Rights (AFHR), hosted an exclusive event for Hollywood luminaries and human rights activists. The organization partnered with Voices4Freedom, a non-profit organization that frees entire villages from work enslavement through a three-year evidence-based education program that undermines enslavers and empowers their former captors into complete freedom. To date, the group has freed 500 villagers.
Featured event speakers and Voices4Freedom Founders, Peggy Callahan and Bryn Freedman (TED), explained “An estimated 37 million people live in modern slavery; 55% are women and girls; 26% are children under 18 and an estimated 60,000 victims are enslaved in the United States.”
The inspired AFHR Board, members and guests raised sufficient funds to sponsor an entire Indian village to complete freedom over three years. Archer stated “We are proud to partner with Voices4Freedom to raise awareness on human rights issues that are not only taking place around the world, but in our own backyards.”
The event was put on by host actresses Erika Christensen, Frances Fisher, Colleen Camp; Grammy winning film composer & recording artist, Mark Isham; lifestyle expert Susie Coelho; Emmy winning director Terry Jastrow, Vintage Picture Company and AFHR President, Donna Isham; and AFHR Executive Director, Vanessa Stoller.
AFHR brings together artists, activists and philanthropists to eradicate human rights abuses. It continues to educate the Hollywood community on important issues bringing more artists on board through its quarterly Hope and Human Rights Speaker Series that feature today’s leading human rights activists. Such activists include Jose Ramos Horta, Nobel Peace Laureate and Past President of East Timor, Kevin Bales, Co-Founder of Free The Slaves, John Prendergast, Co-Founder of Raise Hope for the Congo, Gary White, Co-Founder along with Matt Damon of Water.org and Advisor to the Clinton Global Initiative, Kerry Kennedy, President of the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights, John Dau, one of the Lost Boys of the Sudan, and numerous others.
Artists for Human Rights (AFHR) was formed as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to shining light on human rights abuses and solutions. It works with like-minded individuals from all walks of life, faith and allied organizations to bring the full force of artistic expression to bear in the human rights arena.
For further information, please contact: info@artistsforhumanrights.org, or visit: www.artistsforhumanrights.org
Media Contact
Company Name: IN RED WE TRUST: PR & Business Development Agency
Contact Person: Derek De Vette
Email: Send Email
Phone: 818-929-4222
Country: United States
Website: www.artistsforhumanrights.org